We explore the generalizability of LLMs on discrete path planning tasks, utilizing Chain of Thought reasoning and existing foundational models. These are finetuned on several novel discrete tasks, discussing trade-offs associated with each. Done as the final project for CS 6756 (Learning for Robot Decision Making).
View ProjectImplemented manipulator dynamics, LQR, and iLQR to control N-link manipulators. Done as the final project for ECE 6210 (Linear Systems).
View ProjectCreated a mini-game that involves rotating 2-qubit statevectors into target statevectors using basic quantum gates. Implemented an adversarial mode (vs. a bot) with Deep Q-Learning.
View ProjectDeveloped algorithms for tutor/tutee matching for over 1000 students in the Conejo Valley. Presented to the CVUSD Board of Education.
View ProjectTheorized a model to optimize A* pathfinding by restricting the heuristic to pre-drawn paths. Allowed for exponential speedups in time complexity with minimal loss in accuracy.
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